Call ARP Today: (770) 860-8549
First Name*
Middle Name
Last Name*
Nickname/Alias/Goes By
Preferred Language *
Date of Birth *
Home Address (Street, City, State, Zip)
Home Phone *
Cell Phone *
Work Phone
Other Phone
Gender *
Hair Color
Race *
Eye Color
Work Status *
Employer *
Education Level *
Participant's Vehicle (Description, Make, Model, Tag Number) *
Did the participant ever witness domestic violence as a child? *
Has the participant ever struggled with alcohol/drug use? *
Has the participant ever had homicidal or suicidal thoughts? *
Participant's Criminal History (include date, crime type, county, status, etc.) *
Describe the reason for your FVIP attendance (include participant's version of violence) *
Has the participant ever used a firearm or weapon to intimidate, threaten, or injure a person? *
Has the participant ever used a firearm or weapon to intimidate, threaten, or injure an intimate partner? *
Does the participant have access to firearms? If yes, what type and where are they located? *
Does the participant have access to weapons used to intimidate, threaten, or injure the victim? * If yes, what type and where are they located?